Flag 8: Planting A Flag for Survival

While Flag Theory refers to “going where you’re treated well,” Flag 8 is based on “going where you have a better chance of self-sovereignty.” The countries listed in this book have inefficient governments, large or small, and populations that exist outside of government control.
One does not want an “efficient” government. Nor does one necessarily even want a country with an especially competent “rule of law.”
In Paraguay, dueling is still legal, though no doubt not practiced often. The point is, however, the more difficulties that are resolved privately, the better. The last thing one wants to do as an ex-pat is get involved in a drawn-out judicial process of any type or for any reason. Governments, even the most efficient of them, are inevitably corrupt and favor domestic parties over transplanted ones.
Remember we spoke about self-reliance? Maybe it’s time to settle down in a country not originally your home and to do this in a way that ensures additional resources if economic and sociopolitical difficulties occur. You may wish to buy a farm or at least a house in the country where you can grow a survival garden, so you have ample food and water in times of emergency. You may want to store physical gold or silver on your property as well…
Let’s go back to 2020.
Seemingly overnight, the Coronavirus enabled governments worldwide to implement mass totalitarian surveillance under the auspice of creating weapons against disease. Here are a few examples:
Russia – 100,000 facial recognition cameras are watching Moscow’s quarantine through a network of sophisticated state surveillance the city rolled just before the epidemic reached Russia. Police have logged their locked-in citizens’ details and warned them that sneaking out could lead to a five-year jail term or deportation for foreigners.
Hong Kong – Hong Kong has introduced mandatory wristbands for those in quarantine so they can be tracked.
Taiwan – Taiwan has a monitoring system known as “the electronic fence,” where the authorities will visit those who are meant to be in isolation if they turn off their mobiles.
South Korea – In South Korea, the government gathers huge amounts of data from phone records, CCTV images, and credit cards to help track citizens during the Covid crisis
Singapore – phone users are encouraged to download the “TraceTogether” app, which keeps a record of all the other numbers in close proximity to the smartphone.
China – China is boasting that it is building the “world’s largest camera surveillance network.”
United States – Bill Gates’ digital certificates are human-implantable quantum-dot tattoos to hold records of people who have not been vaccinated. Oh, and then there’s Gates’ other undertakings – 1) ID2020 which will provide people with digital identity either through smartphones or RFID microchip implants; 2) human-implantable microchip implants that will allow women to control contraceptive hormones in their bodies; and 3) invisible ink to track child vaccination in developing countries – research funded by Gates in 2016, long before the coronavirus pandemic.
The list goes on and on.

With omnipresent and growing technological tracking, it is becoming increasingly difficult to live and work anonymously and to simply mind your own business. Fast forward a few years, and we will see the identification and control of every single human being on the planet through:
- Mass surveillance
- Forced vaccination
- Identity chips through quantum tattoos
- Police state laws
The good news is that their competence and infrastructure often restrict the ability of countries to do this sort of thing. And around the world, there are countries and governments that are not especially aggressive regarding tracking citizens and their resources. The citizens of some countries, even in an official capacity, are simply not willing nor able to create efficient authoritarian environments. Leaders and their immediate coteries may indeed be authoritarian, but this is much different than building a comprehensive technology to track and investigate everyone at will.
Human Freedom Index
The Cato Institute, the Fraser Institute, and the Liberales Institut at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom co-published The Human Freedom Index Report for 2019 –– ranking more than 160 countries in three categories to determine which countries were the freest in the world:
Personal Freedom (freedom of opinion and expression, equality before the courts, security of private property, and freedom to come and go)
- The Netherlands
- Norway
- Sweden
- Denmark
Economic Freedom (economic liberty consists of personal choice, voluntary exchange, freedom to compete in markets, and protection of person and property)
- Hong Kong
- Singapore
Overall Human Freedom (recognizing individuals’ dignity)
- New Zealand
- Switzerland
- Hong Kong
Before the Covid-plandemic I might have agreed in general with this index. However, New Zealand stood out in 2020/21 as a country with zero respect for its people’s self-sovereignty and bodily integrity. I guess time will tell how far these countries will take the protection of their citizens’ self-ownership when it comes to mandatory vaccinations or else…
Certainly, in terms of not forcing isolation, quarantine, and testing, the countries which shone were Belarus, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Tanzania.
This, like all the other flags, is a moving target. It is interesting, though, to see how countries with supposedly advanced “Human Rights” constitutions like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the USA treated their people when their leaders’ humanity was actually tested. Food for thought when picking your worlds.
The US, UK, and various other countries are skilled at this invasiveness, urging it on worldwide countries. Intentions are one thing. Results are another. Poverty, lack of education, non-authoritarian priorities, and the history of the culture itself may oppose official invasiveness.
While the above may sound somewhat cynical, the idea here is that we are actively seeking out cultures that are not capable at the moment, for various reasons, of mounting a full-fledged technological-tracking regime against their citizens. Ideally, such countries will have much trouble restricting cash and precious metals transactions and circulation.
India, for instance, is a good example of such a country. However, I don’t recommend examining India for visiting, either for the long-term or settling down. India has launched a significant war on cash. But with an extremely inefficient and corrupt government and a vast population of hundreds of millions not enamored with central control, the economy is already shifting to the US dollar as a form of cash not detectable by authorities.
You see, it is crucial to evaluate the reality of the culture, government rhetoric, and ability to enforce stated policies, even if draconian. For example, many countries in Central and Latin America, despite certain levels of the authoritarian premise, are not especially efficient in managing their citizenry, nor are they even motivated to do so.
That’s why we made the Flag 8: Planting A Flag For Survival video! Watch here for a peek into the countries you wouldn’t ordinarily think of spending time in or emigrating to. Countries that aren’t on most offshore consultants’ Best Countries Lists!